The highly anticipated action-adventure comedy film, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, shares a series of brand new character posters. Based on the Sega video game franchise, the first Sonic the Hedgehog film broke box office records, surpassing Detective Pikachu as the highest-grossing video game adaptation in the United States. Ahead of the Sonic sequel's premiere next month, Paramount Pictures had recently announced Sonic the Hedgehog 3, along with other future projects to be added to the franchise.
Directed by Jeff Fowler, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will follow Sonic’s (Ben Shwartz) journey living happily in Green Hills, until Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) returns to Earth from Mushroom Planet after forming a new partnership with Knuckles the Echidna (Idris Elba). As they both set out to find the Master Emerald and seek revenge against the titular blue hedgehog, Sonic turns to his new friend Miles ‘Tails’ Prower (Colleen O’Shaughnessey) for help. Together, they set out to embark on a journey to prevent the Green Emerald from falling in the wrong hands.
Related: Sonic 2's Tails Easter Egg Hints At Game Changes & Story Details
The official <a href=«» https: target="_blank" rel=«noopener noreferrer»>Sonic the Hedgehog
Twitter account has released a new series of character posters to promote the upcoming sequel. The array of posters introduces the Sonic 2 actors and voice actors’ names as they are displayed alongside their characters, showcasing new and returning cast members. The posters include Schwartz as Sonic, O’Shaughnessey as Tails, Elba as Knuckles, Carrey as Dr. Robotnik, James Marsden as Tom Wachowski, Tika Sumpter as Maddie Wachowski, Lee Majooub as