At this point in the franchise's life, Sonic the Hedgehog games star Sonic's friends as much as the titular hedgehog himself. A Sonic game wouldn't feel complete without Knuckles, Tails, and Amy playing some part in the story. That's why Sonic Frontiers will almost certainly have them influence the story in one way or another. Their names may not be part of the franchise's title, but Sonic's friends are Sonic the Hedgehog mascots nonetheless. Even so, it's hard to say what role they'll play in Sonic Frontiers since Sonic Team and Sega have released only limited details on the game so far.
However, even though Sonic games reliably focus on these characters, Sonic Frontiers also has good cause to introduce a lot of new characters. Sonic games frequently introduce some new sidekick or ally for Sonic and his crew, but Sonic Frontiers in particular has good reason to focus on a new set of characters. For one thing, the game's new setting has such deep lore potential that it wouldn't be surprising if Sonic Team has filled the island with new characters who can help explain it. For another, it sounds like Sonic's friends might actually be in danger in Sonic Frontiers, meaning other characters have to fill their shoes while Sonic tries to save them.
Dexterous Combat Sounds Perfect for Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Frontiers is famously set in the Starfall Islands, an archipelago featuring all kinds of different biomes that presumably make up the different open zones that Sonic Frontiers players can explore. The Starfall Islands draw their importance from ancient ruins filled with mysterious, powerful technology. With that lore in mind, Sonic Frontiers has good cause to introduce lots of characters who help explain the islands' history to