Aliens Area by Fusai Naba, one of Shonen Jump's most recent and exciting new manga series, uses a power system that is mainly based around technology, improving on several ideas fans will know from Boruto. This sets it apart from other series in the shonen genre which mainly have characters capable of using mystical or magical powers. This is the case with Boruto, which continues the use of chakra-based jutsu from its parent series Naruto, but it also has technology that the characters can use instead of chakra.
When Boruto came out, the series introduced a new level of technology for the ninja world called scientific ninja tools. These tools can range from a jutsu-producing gadget worn on the wrist to entire cybernetic augmentations. Boruto even has its own Nintendo Switch, which is part of the issue with the SNTs: they don't really fit in the setting, they aren't very practical, and rather than playing into the writers' and characters' creativity and ingenuity, the tools really only serve to make certain characters stupidly strong, which is a bad thing in a series already burdened by inconsistent power scaling.
Related: Aliens Area Just Stole Naruto's Final Villain Story
Enter Aliens Area, a sci-fi series whose characters don't have any powers (unless implanted with a yet-to-be explained alien substance), but their use of technology enables them to take on their extraterrestrial adversaries. Similar to Boruto, Aliens Area's characters wear gadgets on their wrists that are equipped with ability nodes, and the series' first big fight, a turning point that explains how the tech works, does a great job showing the creativity with which battles are fought. Rather than having two beefy fighters punch each other until one