Shin Megami Tensei 5’s Castle of the Demon King dungeon is a labyrinthian nightmare filled with dangerous demons, terrifying traps, and perplexing puzzles. It is a challenging manse designed to test everything - even your patience.
Related: Shin Megami Tensei 5: How To Beat Lahmu
Whilst not the lord of this repugnant realm, Chernobog is a dangerous sod characterized by his excessive use of Dark magic and Status Ailments. What’s more, unlike most bosses, there is no Leyline before the fight. Make sure you prepare long before you cross blades.
Chernobog is a master of the Dark arts, and this is highlighted by his +3 Potential with Dark magic, and +4 Potential with Status Ailment related magic. Interestingly enough, his Potentials don’t do much for this fight as he primarily deals Physical damage - which he has no Potential in. This doesn’t make him any less dangerous though.
Chernobog is tricky. None of his attacks are threatening as they mostly deal Weak Physical damage - usually capping out at Medium, which also isn’t great. Where Chernobog shines is in destroying your party's ability to fight effectively. This is especially true if you don't prepare before the fight. Remember, there is no Leyline near Chernobog.He thrives off the ambush.
Looking at his attacks, Dark Sword is his most devastating. Two Medium damage hits do enough damage to raise the eyebrow of concern, but the true kicker is Seal. The Seal ailment prevents a target from using any skills, spells, or abilities. This functionally prevents a character from hurting Chernobog in any noticeable way.
Blight is also tricky to deal with. Poison damage in Shin Megami Tensei 5 can be dangerous to ignore, and the tick damage can add up over an entire party over the