While Spelunky definitely had its fair share of extra content, Spelunky 2 steps it up not only in terms of secrets but also activities. While normally it wouldn’t feel comfortable to spend time in levels that have a ticking clock, the presence of a timer and the extra 30 seconds added to the Ghost spawn allows for more freedom.
RELATED: Spelunky 2: Beginner's Guide
Spelunky 2 also has more types of NPCs to meet who all have different services or requests to encounter, making these caves far more interesting than ever before. To add an extra degree of difficulty while visiting them, you can attempt things like the Stars Challenge for extra rewards.
Of the three celestial body challenges, the Stars Challenge is one that is entirely optional no matter what kind of run you’re doing. It’s purely there to offer an additional task to complete with the promise of some pretty powerful rewards. This is another Challenge run by the mysterious woman Tun, who charges you $25,000 to attempt it.
In order to undertake the Stars Challenge, you’ll need to make it to world four, which will be either the Temple Of Anubis or the Tide Pool. Unlike the other challenges, the Stars Challenge will only ever spawn on level 4-2 of either of the worlds. As is the standard, Tun’s chamber to undertake it will always be in the corner.
This challenge is a timed navigation challenge. There are no traps or enemies to give you a hard time, only a ton of unlit Torches. Your objective is to light all the Torches in the chamber within 30 seconds. If you succeed, you get either the Elixir (Temple) or the Clone Gun (Pool).
Of the celestial challenges, this challenge is easily the safest but is nonetheless difficult. You’ll only be given a Torch and a Crossbow
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