The Amalgam Universe shared between DC and Marvel Comics created some powerful heroes and villains, but few were more intriguing than Scarlet Witch and Zatanna Zatara's combined form, the White Witch. In Dr. StrangeFate #1, Wanda Zatara was introduced as a powerful magic user tasked with tracking down a hero stuck between two worlds. The antihero was a combination of two of the most fantastic magical comic book characters into one incredible new form.
The Amalgam Universe was a joint crossover between Marvel and DC Comics, where iconic heroes and villains were merged into one. The event saw the likes of Captain America and Superman becoming Super-Soldier, Dr. Strange and Dr. Fate becoming Dr. StrangeFate, and Wolverine and Batman becoming the singular hero, Dark Claw. One thing that connected both universes was a hero named Access, the only character that both publishers own together. In Dr. StrangeFate's attempts to track down the Multiversal hero, he called upon his greatest agents, including White Witch, who was part Scarlet Witch and part Zatanna.
Related: Marvel/DC Art Finally Gives Fans the Amalgam Heroes They Always Deserved
In Doctor Strange Fate #1 by Ron Marz, José Luis García-López, Kevin Nowlan, Matt Hollingsworth, and Chris Eliopoulos, Dr. StrangeFate summons his agents to help track down the hero Access, a dangerously powerful anomaly who's appeared in the Amalgam universe. The three agents, Bruce Banner's Skulk, Frankie Rayner's Jade Nova, and Wanda Zatara's White Witch, are tasked with bringing Access to StrangeFate, as they are in debt to the sorcerer. Ultimately, White Witch kills Access, brings him to StrangeFate, and revives him, showing off the incredible combined powers of Scarlet Witch and Zatanna.