Saints Row 2022 offers players tons of different options for customization. Whether it be in terms of their character, weapon/car design, or even play style, Saints Row 2022allows players to pick and choose the way they want to take over Santo Ileso.
One of the more important ways players can customize is through their skill tree, which allows them to take up to four different skills to use in combat to help out. All skills in Saints Row cost flow, which is generated through player combat with enemies. Some of these skills are fantastic tools that any player should have in their arsenal. Others are a tad more mediocre and are best to be skipped over. That being said, here are the best skills that players can grab in Saints Row 2022.
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Pineapple Express is the first skill players will unlock in Saints Row. It is by far one of the best skills, especially in the early game. Pineapple Express has the player grab an enemy, shove a live grenade into their pocket, and throw them forward.
Not only is this skill hilarious to watch, as someone gets tossed with a grenade down their pants, but it's fantastic for taking out multiple enemies at once. The grenade itself does a high amount of damage, meaning it will likely one-shot the enemy the player has thrown. But skilled players can basically use the enemy as a bowling bowl and toss it into others. The explosion radius and damage are large enough to also take down enemies nearby the thrown one, making this skill particularly lethal.
Tough Mother is rather useful for its cost. For the cost of only one flow, players gain a temporary health boost. It also prevents the player from being staggered, which can be absolutely brutal to their health