Much of the joy from any good battle royale is derived from the feeling of making big plays, and hoo boy! If there’s one thing that Rumbleverse is good at, it’s setting you up for opportunities for big plays. The latest from Iron Galaxy Studios (the developers of Divekick and seasons 2 and 3 of Killer Instinct) Rumbleverse is a free-to-play, melee-driven battle royale with a very Fortnite’y, but nonetheless charming cartoony artstyle, infused with all of the pomp and grandeur of professional wrestling. One moment you’ll be Irish-Whipping an opponent into a wall for a brutal wall combo, the next you’ll be chokeslamming bodies off of skyscrapers, and occasionally giant-swinging them into the ocean. It’s silly fun at its best, and while there are several painful moments in the form of slow matchmaking, a variety of latency-related bugs, and a shop that feels a bit understocked and pricey compared to what the competition offers (at least right out of the gate) Rumbleverse is nonetheless one of the most unique battle royales in recent memory and a breath of fresh air in a crowded genre.
The basics of Rumbleverse will be familiar: 40 players drop into a humongous map, scrounge around to find loot, and then battle it out, until there’s only one person remaining. But Rumbleverse isn’t content to copy and paste its gameplay, and so it tweaks just about every element of that well-established formula in interesting ways.
For one, there’s no traditional gear or inventory – no guns, no armor, no grenades, and no hyper-specific attachments or augments to manage. Instead, you fight with your fists, feet, and whatever street signs you can rip from out of the ground. (There’s still some loot to gather: rather than searching out gear, you