The popular Adult Swim show, Rick and Morty, have continued their adventures in comic book form for quite some time now, and in a particular story centered around the fan-favorite superhero parody of the Vindicators, Rick calls out Marvel and their ever-constant reboots, relaunches, and refreshes. Poking fun at Marvel (and DC Comics for that matter) is clearly an easy thing to do, especially when neither can seem to settle on one creative direction for very long.
As seen in Rick and Morty Presents: The Vindicators #1, by J. Torres and CJ Cannon, this special one-shot issue sees the return of the superhero group known as the Vindicators. A team that riffs on heroes from both Marvel and DC Comics, this “All-New, All-Different” crew consists of Vance Maximus, Supernova, Alan Rails, Million Ants, and Crocubot; five purposely derivative characters that are always looking for ways to save the day.
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First bursting onto the scene in a Season 3 episode of Rick and Morty titled, “Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender,” this team hadn’t been seen since for one important (and hilarious) reason: Rick murdered almost all of them. But since Rick and Morty as a show and comic isn’t shy about dealing with the multiverse and the infinite possibilities lying within, the surprise return of the Vindicators is a welcome treat for fans of the team, despite their changes being nothing worth noting — according to Rick at least.
Teleporting into Rick and Morty’s garage, the Vindicators arrive asking for help with a multiversal problem that only Rick and the overly excited Morty can help solve. Claiming to be the “All-New, All-Different Vindicators,” Rick immediately