The Rick and Morty comic is a continuation of the adventures of the popular Adult Swim show, and when Rick is trapped in a Groundhog Day time loop paradox, the reason for him being so smart is revealed!
Living, dying, and repeating the same day in Rick and Morty #49, by Kyle Starks and Marc Ellerby, this issue sees Rick and his grandson, Morty, crash land on a far-off planet where they inexplicably find the skeletal remains of some other version of themselves. Soon caught in a repeating loop after Rick awakens over and over just before the crash, neither Rick nor the oblivious Morty can figure out what’s going on with any degree of accuracy.
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Once realizing they’re stuck in a “Groundhog Day” scenario — a reference to the classic Bill Murray time loop movie of the same name — Rick gets overly excited at the prospect of being able to repeat the same day without losing any actual time. And as the same day keeps resetting, Rick begins to take advantage of their predicament, ignoring Morty and his attempts at freeing them from their ever-looping lives.
Exploiting the time loop to the best of his abilities, Rick is seen binging a show he doesn’t particularly like, playing video games, getting a massage by a group of aliens, cheating at galactic poker, teaching alien blobs the “Thong Song”, and more, but it’s the handful of days where Rick Sanchez quietly sits in a library reading as many books as he can before the day resets that shows fans how some of his super smarts came to be. Going on to eventually get sick of all the repetition and learning, Rick exclaims, “I’ve done everything anyone can do in a day, Morty,” and, “I’ve experienced every