Once again Rextroy notices «something awesome» and pushes the limit. This time it's the Druid Venthyr Covenant and Legendary abilities, Ravenous Frenzy and Sinful Hysteria, and Rextroy and company go to town...or in this case, got to Durotar.
Today, we are going to obtain an insane buff, that gives us a total DPS increase of 500% (or more) and destroy Durotar.The buff is obtained from Ravenous Frenzy, the Venthyr ability. It seems like refreshing the duration, by either logging out and waiting for the cooldown, or going through the Proving Grounds, will allow you to keep all the stacks you gathered.
This means we are able to get it to 99 stacks, which is usually not possible! For a 198% damage buff, 99% haste buff and more than 100% crit! Thanks to the Sinful Hysteria legendary, it will last about 25 seconds I thought of a hilarious way to showcase this, and decided to go boomkin. I got as many possible modifiers for my Starfall, including trinkets, potions, mastery / versa stacking, Skyfury Totem and Blessing of Summer! The ultimate damage it would do, was about 80-100k over 8 seconds (sadly it doesn't scale with haste).
This means everyone who didn't pop a major defensive cooldown or flee for their lives was destroyed! I also wanted to see if it was possible to nuke a raid boss for a speed record kill! So I gathered 7 friends who played Druid, and was going to summon them with a fully stacked Ravenous Frenzy. According to my calculations, if everyone succeeded in keeping the buff for the boss, he would die within 20 seconds.
Sadly, only 2 people managed to retain the buff at once (over 3 different attempts), most people lost it because of a slow loading screen. Their characters were idle for 2 seconds, which means.
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