Developed by Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption 2 serves as Red Dead Redemption's prequel, chronicling the disintegration of the Van der Linde gang as America is consumed by industrialization and the establishment of organized policing. Arthur, who is part of Dutch Van der Linde's gang, can see that his lawless way of life will not be viable for much longer, but he is torn between loyalty to his fracturing gang, and the desire to turn a new leaf. While on the surface it may seem like a cowboy game obsessed with aesthetics more than anything else, Red Dead Redemption 2 reveals itself to be an emotionally driven game offering complex character studies.
Despite having been released in 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2 is still a technical marvel that modern open-world games are inspired by. The game packs an astonishing amount of detail, and to this day, gamers are still finding plenty of details, Easter eggs, and secrets hidden within Red Dead Redemption 2's expansive map. Even after playing the game for hours, it is possible to discover minor combat details that demonstrate just how much care Rockstar took when designing it.
Red Dead 2: The Sheer Amount of Detail in Arthur Morgan's Eyes Has Not Been Replicated Since
As one might expect from a cowboy, Arthur Morgan spends plenty of time on a horse. He can bond with a few horses, and when he owns too many, he can store some of them away in a stable. There are several breeds to discover, and they all come with their own strengths and weaknesses, making horse-taming an in-depth game mechanic that can reap players plenty of rewards once they understand how to make the most of their stallions.
Sometimes, it will be necessary to gallop into battle, and there are a few tips to ensure that