Prey is Arkane Studio’s 2017 cult classic video game which follows Morgan Yu as they make their way through an alien-infested space station seeking escape and an end to the nightmare. Exploring the immaculate ruins of the art-deco inspired Talos I, Yu must brave the dangers of the alien threat and attempt to save the few people that remain. As Epic Games Store’s free game for May, players can pick up Prey on PC for the first time to experience one of gaming’s most underrated gems for themselves.
While players can beeline their way through the main quest, the depth and richness of gameplay present in Prey comes through in the many varied ways with which the player can interact with the game’s systems. Featuring many memorable side quests and characters, Arkane’s immersive-sim thesis of “Play Your Way” is never more pronounced than in Prey. This guide will teach players how long the game takes to complete, so they can plan their playthrough ahead of time.
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The average completion time for players attempting to engage with the extra content is around 27 hours, whereas players mainlining the story can finish it in around 16 hours. Be aware, however, that like Fallout's slide show endings, Prey’s climax takes into account all the choices the player has made across their playthrough, and failing to interact with side quests will result in a less-than-optimal outcome.
As previously mentioned, Prey is an incredibly textured game, and while it may seem simple on a surface level, across the expansive space station are many secrets in hiding. In the same vein of BioShock’s city of Rapture, Talos I is brimming with upgrade items, side missions, audio diaries, and interesting characters. Also like Rapture,