has revealed new details about its upcoming trading features, including what limits will be placed on the new mechanic. Since 's earliest days, players have wondered how the game would handle in-game trading. It was assumed that players could only trade with friends, but other details like how often players could trade and what cards they could trade remained unclear. New details have now emerged about how trading will work in, although it includes some bad news for players hoping to get high-rarity cards.
In a post made to s X (formerly Twitter) account, developers confirmed that trading would initially be limited to onlyandcards.
Additionally, players can only trade cards with either a diamond rarity or a one-star rarity, meaning the game's highest rarity cards are currently off the table. Finally, players will have to spend "" (likely Shinedust) to trade, and can only trade with friends.
Trading will be added to later in January, although it seems like it will have some strict limitations when first released. For instance, players have to trade cards of the same rarity, which prevents players from trading a one-star card for a Pokémon ex card or a more common card. Likely, this is being done to preserve some parity between players and prevent paid trading within the game. Limiting trade to between friends also means that a so-called «Wonder Trade» function between strangers is currently not in the works.
Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket will still use the current Pack Hourglasses when its future expansions come out in the game.
The only real unknown left in 's statement is what the game's developer means when saying only certain cards can be traded. Ths could simply be a reference to the lower rarity card limits, but it could also suggest there are further limits that haven't been unveiled. The announcement notes that the developers will be keeping track of player feedback and adding more cards in the future, especially with a new expansion on the way.
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