During Request 86, «Gone Astray...In The Icelands,» Pokémon Legends: Arceus Trainers are tasked with rescuing a Jubilife Villager named Zeke from a vicious Alpha Glalie. To begin the quest, players must speak to Zeke in the Basement of Galaxy Hall. A cutscene will trigger of Zeke expressing his worries about his missing sister Wanda. Wanda has recently traveled to the Alabaster Icelands in Pokémon Legends: Arceus but hasn't returned for some time, causing Zeke to become quite restless. After the dialogue ends, Zeke leaves for the snowy region to find his sister, who shortly appears after he departs. Now, instead of looking for Wanda, the Trainer must locate Zeke before he gets himself into trouble.
There are two prerequisites before Request 86 becomes available in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. First, players must have completed Zeke's previous Request (77), «Gone Astray...in the Fieldlands,» during which Trainers must find Wanda in the Obsidian Fieldlands. The second requirement to unlock Request 86 is the player must have progressed through «The Slumbering King of the Tundra,» the twelfth mission in the main storyline. Once these two conditions have been met, players can accept «Gone Astray...In The Icelands.»
Related: Pokémon Legends: Arceus — Traces Of A Lost Village Request Guide
After speaking with Wanda in Galaxy Hall in Arceus' Jubilife Village, Trainers must travel to the Alabaster Icelands. Zeke is located within an underground cave that can be entered through a large opening found west of Avalugg's Legacy. To reduce fall damage, players can use their Braviary Mount to glide down. Inside, they will discover Zeke, and a cutscene will trigger.
An enraged Alpha Glalie will emerge, and Trainers must battle the hostile
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