Pedro Pascal explains how The Last of Us TV show is like The Mandalorian, comparing the similarity in visions between the two shows' creators. The latter series serves as a spinoff of the Star Wars franchise and revolves around the titular bounty hunter as he ventures through the galaxy protecting the infant Grogu, a member of Yoda's unnamed species, from falling into the hands of the remnants of the Galactic Empire. The Mandalorian hails from creator Jon Favreau and franchise veteran Dave Filoni, with the two subsequently plotting out a variety of follow-ups, including the recently released The Book of Boba Fett.
Developed by Naughty Dog and originally written by Neil Druckmann, The Last of Us revolves around a smuggler named Joel who ventures through a post-apocalyptic United States with the task of delivering a teenage girl named Ellie to a rebel militia in the hopes of developing a cure for the fungus virus plaguing the country. Development on an adaptation of the hit action-adventure game have languished in hell for nearly a decade, including a Sam Raimi-produced film, and is finally getting off the ground at HBO from Druckmann and Chernobyl creator Craig Mazin. As production continues on The Last of Us, one of the stars behind it is giving a peek behind the curtains into the excitement to come.
Related: What HBO’s Missing The Last Of Us Characters Might Mean
In a recent interview with GQ, Pedro Pascal shared some insight for the long-awaited The Last of Us TV show adaptation. The star revealed that the HBO series shares one key similarity with Pascal's hit Disney+ series, The Mandalorian, stems from the visions of the creators behind each series. See what Pascal shared below:
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