In the Summer 2024 Sakurajima Update, Bushi Noct emerges as a mysterious new addition to , blending Dark and Fire-type elements as a variant of the original Bushi Pal. The Sakurajima Expansion also introduced numerous adorable Pals for players to catch and befriend. These cute companions can help build your base or join you on quests to complete the Paldeck.
Bushi Noct is a versatile Pal, excelling in base activities due to its varying abilities. However, it would be wasteful not to utilize them in combat, where they shine with powerful melee strikes and adaptable ranged attacks that can take out foes with a single sword swipe. To find and capture Bushi Noct, players must explore the new Palpagos Islands area and devise a strategy to catch this elusive humanoid creature.
To find and catch Lullu, a Grass-type Pal in Palworld, players must venture to the new area added to the Palpagos Islands, Sakurajima Island.
Bushi boasts various features and abilities, making them an invaluable Pal to catch and tame. They are highly recommended for combat due to their impressive skill set, closely mirroring the original Bushi. Additionally, their Work Suitability enhances productivity at players' base in . The table below outlines their base stats, potential drops, and work compatibility.
The minimum and maximum stats provided have been calculated without factoring in Passive Skills.
Work Suitability
Level 1: Handiwork, Gathering Level 2: Kindling, Transporting Level 3: Lumbering
4-8 Flame Organ (100%) 2-3 Ingot (100%) 1-2 Medium Pal Soul (40%)
Food Consumption
Scale 1-10: 4
The Bushi Noct Pal is as enigmatic as it is skilled, making it a formidable and swift combatant against other Pals. As a Dark- and Fire-type Pal, Bushi Noct excels against Neutral, Grass, and Ice Pals but is vulnerable to Dragon- and Water-type Pals. The table below highlights all the skills Bushi Noct can automatically learn as they level up: