In the original timeline of Star Wars Legends, the vanquished Emperor Palpatine returned from the dead a mere six years after Return of the Jedi, leading a nightmarish hidden force from within the Imperial ranks. And to lead this new force, Palpatine revealed the two most invulnerable and overpowered ships in the entire Imperial fleet: the Eclipse and its sister ship, the Eclipse II. These two ships were unique and experimental Super Star Destroyers, equipped with defense systems and special weapons that made it unbeatable in a conventional battle with New Republic forces.
Having learned how to cheat death from his Sith mentor, Palpatine enacted a plan to transfer his consciousness to a mindless cloned body on his hidden fortress world of Byss, also home to a secret contingent of the Empire known as the “Dark Empire.” The Dark Empire included the deadliest military forces and technology in the Galactic Empire, which Palpatine used in a series of offensives in 10 ABY, led by his flagships, the Eclipse and Eclipse II.
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As shown in Star Wars: Dark Empire and its sequel comics Dark Empire II and Empire’s End, these Super Star Destroyers were comparable to the Executor-class, made famous by Darth Vader’s command ship, and though the Eclipse-class had fewer turbolaser and laser cannon emplacements than the Executor-class, its firepower was far superior. The Eclipse vessels also had experimental shielding and unmatched hull strength, rendering them impervious to any of the New Republic fleet’s weapons, and allowing the gargantuan dreadnaught to not only fire upon, but ram enemy ships, as well. In addition to possessing gravity well projectors to block ships from