In Overwatch 2, all of the characters you’ve been playing in the first game have made their way over to the sequel, and they’re ready to jump back into the fray of the Overwatch universe. You’ll have the opportunity to play as Moira, who will be in the support role. As Moira, you’ll be swapping between her healing and damaging biotic powers, striking a delicate balance. In this guide, we’re going to cover tips, strategies, and counters to look out for while playing Moira in Overwatch 2.
All Moira’s abilitiesThese are all of Moira’s abilities you’ll be able to use while playing her in Overwatch 2.
PassiveAs a support role, Moira will automatically heal over timeBiotic Orb (E)Moira launches a bouncing sphere that either heals nearby allies or damages nearby enemies. You will need to indicate where sphere you will use before sending it out.Fade (Left Shift)Moira disappears, moves faster, and becomes invulnerable while in this state. However, she cannot shoot or attack.Coalescence (Ultimate)Moira’s ultimate features her firing a beam attack in front of her that heals any allies and damages any enemies in her path.Moira’s primary weapon will be Biotic Grasp. There are two attack types to use with this weapon. The first, the left mouse button, is a heal, which heals all allies in front of her. She sends out a beam attack when clicking the right mouse button, damaging an enemy in her path. The one connected to her ray will receive the damage. When healing with Biotic Grasp, it will use up Biotic Energy, which you can replenish by damaging enemies.
How to play as MoiraThere’s a balance to using Moira you’ll need to find in Overwatch 2. She can keep her allies alive, but she can also deal damage using the damaging version of