Can't decide which hero to «main» in Overwatch 2? If this is truly a tough decision, try out Echo. She's got her own identity, of course, with great DPS chops and some aerial maneuverability. But it's her potential to be any other character in the game that is the selling point.
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As a result, very few teammates truly dislike having Echo with them in Overwatch 2. When she's not dealing damage and killing opponents once they hit half-health or less, she's deciding which enemy has the best skills to use against their own team.
At first, Echo plays very similar to Pharah. Fly up in the air, deal some damage, and send out a beam if anybody gets low on health to finish them off. Land in safety, then prepare for the next flight. Shoot often, if for no other reason than to charge up her ultimate.
When her ultimate is up, she can turn into a version of an enemy teammate, complete with all of their moves. Do whatever damage can be done in the form. When it's over or Echo reaches zero health, return to the process of dealing damage from about and checking to see if any elite tank units have gotten low on health.
Even gamers new to the franchise already know that splitting shots usually means things get worse as the range gets longer. However, Echo's shots do only slightly separate from afar, giving her a nice medium range of accuracy for her Tri-Shot.
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The sticky bombs are similar to the Tri-Shot in terms of range. Their damage is high, but Echo needs to aim carefully, otherwise opponents will just run away. When in doubt, aim this at a mass of bodies or the tanks and hope to get a bit lucky.
Flight has a quick dash applied to the