Although he's seen a name change in recent years, Cassidy is still one of the most recognizable DPS characters present in Overwatch. In the jump to Overwatch 2, the outlaw has seen one major change that definitely shakes up the way he's played. Aside from a complete revamp to one of his abilities, Cassidy has also seen a combination of buffs and nerfs to his other abilities. Those that were familiar with the combat-rolling cowboy in the original Overwatch should slide right back into their familiar damage role in the newest release, and new players should be able to pick up and play the character with relative ease.
Overwatch 2: Tracer Guide (Tips, Abilities, and More)
The following guide gives an in-depth look at Cassidy, what's changed for the outlaw, and how new players can take advantage of his damage-heavy playstyle in Overwatch 2.
When it comes to DPS characters, few are as straightforward as Cassidy. The wild west-influenced hero dishes out serious damage with his Peacekeeper, and can downright decimate foes in seconds if players are accurate enough to land some well-placed headshots. Squishy DPS heroes and support players will have difficulty taking the fight to a Cassidy head-on, especially if the outlaw has spotted them first. His weapon operates via «hit-scan,» meaning the bullets will connect almost instantly, and don't suffer from the «placement issues» of projectile-based weapons. Cassidy offers players of all skill levels a «point-and-shoot» playstyle.
The smooth-talking hero is capable of dishing out damage at almost any range, but most players will find comfort in the mid-to-close ranges. It is possible to punish players with well-placed shots at long range but without a zoom mechanic, it can be difficult to