The worlds of manga and comic books often inspire devotion and passion, especially legacies like Shonen Jump. Nowhere is the passion and dedication of comic book collectors more evident than with Ryley Moore aka “The Omnibus Collector.” Moore, as the name suggests, is an avid follower and collector of a wide range of comic books, as well as comics-related to content, and he just unveiled a massive collection of every single issue of Shonen Jump ever published.
Comic books have been a part of American culture since the 1930s. In Japan, after the end of World War II, the American style of comic books influenced and intermingled with the ancient Japanese “art book” tradition to create modern Japanese manga. From that point, comics and manga largely developed independently of each other. However, over the past several decades just as American comics have become more available globally, so have Japanese manga. A large part of manga's American proliferation is the popularity of Shonen Jump, a magazine that collected new chapters of popular action manga for boys. Essentially the American version of Japan's Weekly Shōnen Jump, the magazine began publication in North America in 2002 and stopped publishing in 2012 as it moved to digital. Though Jump has its fair share of fans, one fan took their passion for the magazine to a whole new level.
Related: Shonen Jump is Already Hurting its Next Big Manga
Youtuber Ryley Moore, known as the Omnibus Collector, recently posted a video detailing his massive collection of every single issue of Shonen Jump ever printed. In the video, Moore details the first wave of manga releases in the United States. Though he was a fan of anime he had limited access to manga. As luck would have it, one day