The recent chapters of the One-Punch Man manga feature the literal, earth-shaking battle between Saitama and Garou. In the process of achieving his goal to become «Ultimate Evil,» Garou received powers from the mysterious character, God, making his presence a danger to all lives on planet Earth.
In chapter 166, the number one S-Class hero, Blast, tried to stop Garou, but the Hero Killer's powers far surpassed what Blast could handle. In the end, Garou ripped Genos's heart out, provoking Saitama to become serious for the first time. chapter 167 then featured a jaw-dropping clash between the two powerhouses that shocked One-Punch Man fans.
One-Punch Man 165: God Finally Hints At His True Motive Using Cosmic Garou
Towards the ending of chapter 166, Saitama lurched at Garou with his full strength, ready to strike the now cosmic character with a punch from his Serious Series arsenal. On the other hand, Garou was unaffected by this development since it was his plan to get Saitama to fight him at his “full strength” so he could copy the B-Class hero's moves. However, the moment their fists were about to collide, Blast remarked that the effect of their clash would be enough to destroy Earth or render it uninhabitable. To prevent that from happening, Blast tried to warp the duo to a distant location; however, their powers were too strong for Blast to manipulate.
The S-Class hero’s actions were about to backfire until some strange existences showed up to assist him. From their comments and shadow appearances, fans can assume that these individuals are from another planet or other «worlds.» Either way, they assisted Blast in successfully warping Saitama and Garou away from the Earth, saving millions of lives in the process. In space,