With decades of lore behind it, One Piece contains one of the most expansive worlds in all of shonen manga. Despite their numerous adventures to imaginative and visionary islands, the Straw Hats have yet to embark on one adventure that’s been hinted at for over 500 chapters now- a journey to the Moon.
One Piece’s world is known to have multiple moons, a phenomenon that partly explains the ridiculous nature of the sea, constantly fluctuating due to the influence of so many celestial bodies. There is, however, one moon in particular that holds a certain interest for the Straw Hats. Beginning on the cover of One Piece chapter 428, titled “Let’s Go Back,” the series' ninth cover story begins, featuring Enel’s journey to a moon and his surprising discoveries. While on the Moon, Enel discovers that there are entire civilizations existing there, consisting of violent Space Pirates and loyal automaton soldiers. This cover story about Enel unearths some fascinating lore about the One Piece world and all but guarantees that Luffy and his crew will eventually make their way into space.
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Perhaps the most important theory as to why the Straw Hats will eventually end up on the Moon pertains to the location of Raftel or Laugh Tale, one of the last few islands on the Grand Line. There are already plenty of parallels between the journey to Skypeia and that of the one that will eventually be made to Laugh Tale. Bellamy, a once prominent rookie pirate, also compared the City of Gold and the One Piece, citing them as nothing more than fables that fools chase after. Of course, the City of Gold was eventually found in the sky and the titular One Piece has yet to be found
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