The Pokemon franchise has a devoted global fanbase that enjoys a diverse range of films, games, and television shows. Pokemon's prominence in the gaming industry is impressive, as evidenced by the release of well-known games such as Pokemon Masters EX, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Red and Blue, and numerous others. Following a successful launch in January, the most recent installment, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, is now one of the top three best-selling games of 2022.
On 3rd August 2022, The Pokemon Company revealed a slew of updates for the current and upcoming Pokemon titles via ThePokemon Presents Livestream. One half of the livestream was dedicated toPokemon Scarlet and Violet, during which many interesting details regarding newly introduced Pokemon and regions were revealed. While the other half of the presentation provided a wealth of information for nearly every other Pokemon game that is still receiving updates, one of the significant revelations that has the fans excited is the addition of a new location in Pokemon Masters EX.
Related: New Pokemon Presents Announced for This Week, Will Include Scarlet and Violet News
Pokemon Masters EX is approaching its third anniversary on 28 August, which some gamers may find hard to comprehend, and fans will get to celebrate with the new Trainer Lodge. Although there isn't much information available now concerning this new content update, fans can expect more details to be released soon. N, Rosa, and Professor Sycamore were the three Trainers Lodge trainers who were made public during thePokemon Presents broadcast. Six more trainers that have not been revealed yet will join these three. The trainers' complete initial roster is anticipated to be made public soon.
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