Omni-Man has four Brutalities in Mortal Kombat 1 - The Thinker, where he pummels enemies with his fist until their skull shatters; Behind You!, where he spins their head around; Coming Through, where he dashes through them and they explode into a miasma of guts and gore; You Got Boned!, in which he grabs them by the foot and smashes them against the ground until their head explodes, and The Klassic, a decapitating uppercut.
But there's a fifth, secret Brutality that fans have uncovered. It's a spin on Get Boned!, but instead of their head smashing, their skeleton slips out from their skin, muscle, and flesh as Omni-Man throws it off to the side.
This hidden variation was pointed out by MistahJ17 on the Mortal Kombat Leaks subreddit, with detailed instructions on how to pull it off (or out, I guess). "The normal Brutality with the head pop is pressing down three times, but I did this while doing down L2 and R2".
"In order to do this, you have to end the match with Omni Man's F3, one grab string," MistahJ17 said. "Make sure to press down three times and hold L2 and R2 while doing so."
In layman's terms, do the usual Get Boned! Brutality, but hold R2 and L2 while tapping down three times on the D-pad.
It's easy enough to pull off, so you can try it for yourself right now. You don't need to unlock anything extra or level Omni-Man up to a certain point, so anyone with the character can get get skeleton-ripping.
Of course, a secret Brutality begs the question, 'How many more have we missed?'
"Now I'm wondering if all characters have a secret variation of one or two, as a Sindel main I swear there was once her F1 Brutality string that went through the stomach as usual and then pierced the skull in a lasso-loop kinda move,"