In an alternate future within Marvel Comics on Earth-1005, Nightcrawlerhas a son who twists Kurt’s teleportation powers into a deadly weapon. Salamander is the son of Nightcrawler who is a prominent member of the X-Men in a future where mutants are free of persecution and former X-Men leaders, Cyclops and Jean Grey, are political figures ensuring a better world for all mutantdom. Even in an alternate future where things are seemingly brighter for mutants, there are still lurking threats that require the attention of the X-Men, and Salamander proves himself to be an asset just as his father was.
Salamander made his debut in X-Men: Millennial Visions#1 in the information section titled “The Offspring” by Alan Evans, Rob Nikolakakis, and Buddy Scalera. This particular two-issue comic series is unlike normal X-Men comics in that it simply describes the characters and the futuristic world in which they live rather than creating a narrative in regular comic style. In this uniquely formatted comic, fans are introduced to Salamander and find out exactly what he can do.
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Salamander has the power to access the dimension through which Nighcrawler can teleport though he doesn’t have teleportation powers himself. Instead of traveling through the dimension like his father, Salamander opens a portal to that dimension and unleashes the raw energy held within it. In X-Men: Millennial Visions, the dimension is said to be the Negative Zone, though it has been well established in X-Men lore that Nightcrawler travels through the Brimstone Dimension. It is unclear why this is the case, though it could be that the Negative Zone and Brimstone Dimension collapsed into one in the future or