A brand new animated Star Wars series of anthology shorts titled Tales of the Jedi has been announced, and it will have a panel at this year's Star Wars Celebration. Ever since Lucasfilm's sale to Disney in 2012, they've released a number of Star Wars projects that have been met with a wide range of reactions. The movie sequel trilogy was well-received at first, although by its wrap-up, the critical response did turn sour. However, titles on Disney+ such as The Mandalorian and the final season of The Clone Wars received very positive reactions from fans.
Star Wars Celebration is an annual convention that has been happening since 1999, the release year of Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace. Skipping some years and changing its location every time, it attracts some of the biggest Star Wars fan groups in the world. It's also known for its panels and presentations, which have featured exclusive interviews with some of the creative minds behind the franchise's many projects, including the movies, TV series, games, and comics.
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Now, the newly announced animated series Tales of the Jedi is confirmed on the official StarWarsCelebration website. Originally, the announcement seemed to be a mistake, as it was taken off of the website after a Redditor posted a snapshot of it. But the Star Wars convention's site has officially listed a panel for it during this year's event in Anaheim, California, and it is scheduled for Saturday, May 28 from 2:30-3:30 PM. The panel will be hosted by Amy Ratcliffe and feature legendary Star Wars writer/director Dave Filoni as a special guest.
Star Wars already has multiple previously announced projects that are
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