Netflix announces an additional six cast members for the upcoming show, One Piece. Based on the legendary Manga series of the same name, the live-action adaptation in collaboration with Tomorrow Studios continues to make headlines as the creators of the show strategically tease production updates for the highly anticipated show. In November 2021, Netflix announced cast members and series headliners Iñaki Godoy, Mackenyu, Emily Rudd, Jacob Romero Gibson and Taz Skylar for One Piece.
Japanese manga artist, Eiichiro Oda, created the One Piece original manga published in 1997 and has written and illustrated 101 volumes of the still-continuing series since its conception. Subsequent to the critical and commercial success of the series in Japan and worldwide, Toei Animation released an animated television series of the same name in 1999, a show that still runs and consistently ranks as one of the most-watched animated shows in Japan. One Piece, the pirate adventure tale, follows young boy protagonist Monkey D. Luffy (to be played by the aforementioned Iñaki Goday) and his crew, the «Straw Hat Pirates,» as they sail the ocean in search of the fabled «One Piece» and encounter adventure and adversity along the way.
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Today, an announcement from Netflix confirmed additional members of the cast for the live-action One Piece series. According to the press release, Morgan Davies (they/them) will play Koby, Ilia Isorelýs Paulino (she/her) will play Alvida, Aidan Scott (he/him) will play Helmeppon, Jeff Ward (he/him) will play Buggy, McKinley Belcher III (he/him) will play Arlong, Vincent Regan (he/him) will play Garp. The characters are all pre-existing characters