You may have heard the news, but Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars is one part Hyperdimension Neptuna, one part Senran Kagura, and one part neither. What does that even mean, you're asking? It means there are aspects to this crossover extravaganza that do not feature in either series. And just as learning the ropes in those games can be pivotal, getting a hang of everything Ninja Wars has to offer can make a world of difference.
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While there are dozens of little bits and baubles behind Ninja Wars' programming that are worth chatting over, we've locked it down to six wide-ranging key beginner's tips to prime you for your quest to thwart the nefarious Steeme invasion.
At its core, Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars is a fairly straightforward game. Your map will guide you from objective to objective via handy yellow exclamation marks. There are staged battles along the way, and at least one boss to be faced in most missions.
There are also nooks and crannies off the beaten path that are well worth investigating if you've got the spare energy reserves to risk it. These items can be found on stage replays, but the sooner you snag them, the more valuable they will be. They can often mean the difference between just scraping by against a boss and pulverizing them shinobi-style.
Speaking of replaying stages, you may wish to treat each subsequently unlocked mission as your own personal training ground. If you attempt to finish the story without grinding, expect a very steep uphill journey ahead of you. Early appearances to the contrary, too, since it's not until around the mid-game that things start pushing back harder than speedrunning RPG fans might expect.
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