As the protagonist of the Naruto series, Naruto Uzumaki aims to become the Hokage of his village to earn the acknowledgment of those around him. Although his start to life as a ninja was quite difficult, over the years, Naruto became an incredibly skilled ninja, worthy of being called the strongest in the entire world. By training his mind and body, Naruto was able to gain several power-ups. Not only did he master the power of the Nine-Tails, named Kurama, that was sealed within him, but he also learned other abilities such as the Sage Mode.
Without a doubt, all the powers that Naruto displayed over the years in the original series make him quite special, however, no power comes close to Six Paths Sage Mode, which he got a grasp of in the Fourth Great Ninja War. It was only after receiving this power that he came to be known as the strongest Hokage to ever live.
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Naruto's first taste of the Six Paths Sage Mode came after he fell at the hands of Madara Uchiha in the Fourth Great Ninja War. Having Kurama ripped from his body, Naruto was on the brink of death and while the likes of Gaara and Minato were attempting to save him, Naruto met the spirit of Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Being the reincarnation of Asura Otsutsuki, Naruto was offered half the power of the Sage, while Sasuke was given the other half. Upon returning to consciousness, Naruto had gained the incredible ability of the Six Paths Sage Mode. To put it simply, the Six Paths Sage Mode is a power that Hagoromo Otsutsuki gifted to him for having a strong will and the guts to never give up. This power is quite similar to Sage Mode in that it makes use of natural energy, or Senjutsu chakra, however, the scale at which it allows