Do you need Mortal Kombat 1 beta access explained and how to play? Betas are imperative for online focused games as they allow the developer to stress test their servers. In addition, it also enables eager consumers to get hands on time with an anticipated title before it launches. On this page, as part of our Mortal Kombat 1 guide, we've got a full breakdown on beta access explained and how to play.
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Below we'll include all of the information you need to know about Mortal Kombat 1's beta access and how to participate in it.
In order to participate in Mortal Kombat 1's beta access, you'll simply need to pre-order a copy of the game on PS5. You can either pre-order physically — although double-check with your retailer to see how it intends to fulfil beta access — or digitally through the PS Store. Everyone who pre-orders the game will be guaranteed access to its beta. You can find Release Date and All Pre-Order Details through the link.
NetherRealm Studios has confirmed that Mortal Kombat 1's beta will begin on 18th August and run through 21st August, although specific times have yet to be confirmed. We'll update this page with more information as and when it becomes available.
NetherRealm Studios has confirmed which content will be available in Mortal Kombat 1's beta across all platforms, including playable characters, Kameos, and stages:
For a full list of All Confirmed Characters in the full game, you can refer to the following link.
Prior to the Mortal Kombat 1 beta access beginning, developer NetherRealm Studios will be running an Online Stress Test. This will be available on consoles like PS5 and will begin on 23rd June, 2023 and will run through 26th June,