Millhouse and Millificent Manastorm are an infamous pair of gnome antagonists whose on-again, off-again relationship is a thing of dreams — or nightmares. The two make an appearance in one of the Eon's Fringe dailies!
Manastorm MystiqueIn this daily, we're sent to make sure the bombastic couple get together by helping Millhouse find the courage to approach Millificent for the first time!
The Manastorms are… unique. While their romance can be explosive, the spark that fanned that flame was quite small. Oddly, Millhouse is having an uncharacteristic crisis of confidence. We need you to help bring them together. May the titans have mercy on us all...Back in old Dalaran, we find Millhouse staring at his future wife longingly from across the Legerdemain Lounge Inn, just overcome with… uh… what he beholds as her beauty. A cute touch is that he specifically admires her hair — something Millificent has been shown to feel insecure about.
Look at her. just look at her. She's wonderful. Her hair stands up so tall. she carries herself with such confidence, and she has a scowl that could knock a yeti dead from ninety yards. There's no way she's going to notice someone like me. What should I do?All we have to do is make sure Millhouse approaches her — the explosions will take care of themselves after that. We have the option to suggest Millhouse tell a joke,
Millhouse Manastorm says: Ok Millhouse. you got this. Your best joke. Here we go. Millhouse Manastorm says: Excuse me. Millhouse Manastorm says: What do you call Rhonin when he's been polymorphed into a pig? Millhouse Manastorm says: The Archmage of Dalaham! Millhouse Manastorm says: You see, because… Millificent says: That was a terrible joke. Possibly one of Read more on