Marvel's Spider-Man follows the story of Peter Parker as he attempts to prevent New York City from falling into chaos. Martin Li has revealed himself to be the leader of the Inner Demons, a loyal group of men and women who all share Martin's villainous ideals.
Marvel's Spider-Man: How To Change The Time Of Day
Martin adopts the name «Mister Negative» and uses his newfound followers to begin his takeover of the city, but Peter refuses to let them achieve their goals. They have set up bases all across New York, so it is up to Spider-Man to infiltrate these hideouts and eradicate the devastating new powers that plague Marvel's Spider-Man.
The Inner Demons have amassed a multitude of secure hideouts during their time in New York, but these elusive foes aren't the only obstacles in Spider-Man's way. Though Wilson Fisk has been incarcerated, his goons still roam the city and occupy several hidden facilities scattered throughout the map. Infiltrating both Fisk's and Negative's bases will reward the player with Base Tokens, but completing bonus challenges while inside their lairs will increase the reward.
The further Peter progresses into the story, the more he will begin to encounter his enemy's lackeys. Many of these villains will be seen causing havoc throughout the city, so Peter takes it upon himself to locate and infiltrate their base of operations to snuff his enemies out at their source.
Fisk Hideouts are unlocked after finishing the game's prologue. Though they can be challenging to complete, they are much less arduous than the Demon Warehouses unlocked later on. The second half of the game will see two new forms of Enemy Bases implemented into the story.
Escaped convicts will be found in Prisoner Camps, while members of