Marvel's Spider-Man follows the story of a young Peter Parker on a quest to rid New York City of the evil that plagues it. He breathes a brief sigh of relief after putting a stop to Wilson Fisk's reign on the city, but this newfound peace only lasts for so long.
Marvel's Spider-Man: How To Change The Time Of Day
Mister Negative reveals himself shortly after Fisk's capture and attempts to claim the power the former crime boss once held. Spider-Man is the only being capable of halting Mister Negative's sinister goals, but there are numerous obstacles standing in his way. Players can quickly burn through Marvel's Spider-Man if they focus solely on the main story, but the only way to collect Challenge Tokens is to embark on a few detours.
Mister Negative and his goons aren't the only threats that Peter faces on his journey. He will encounter an array of villainous characters throughout his time in New York, but not all of them appear during the main story. Some can only be met during side activities, meaning that the player will have to briefly halt their quest to vanquish Mister Negative if they hope to see them.
The Taskmaster Challenges, unlocked after completing the «What's in the Box?» mission, are the only means of obtaining Challenge Tokens. The mission itself requires Peter to quickly travel across New York to destroy a series of explosives while being timed. The mission can be completed with ease, but the challenges unlocked after doing so are much more laborious.
Taskmaster Challenges can be found scattered across the entire city. They have been set up by the mysterious Taskmaster as a means of testing Spider-Man's skills and deducing if he would be a worthy recruit. Four different variations of these challenges exist