According to Sony's latest financial briefing, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has topped a rather impressive 11 million sales. The PS5 exclusive launched in October of last year, and got off to a flying start as the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game to date. It moved a staggering 2.5 million copies in the space of 24 hours.
And it's obviously been selling well since, racking up roughly 9 million sales over the last seven months or so. But for the sake of context, how does it compare to its predecessors? Well, the original Marvel's Spider-Man — which released as a PS4 exclusive in 2018 — has reportedly sold over 20 million copies. Meanwhile, smaller semi-sequel Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is sitting around 14 million sales, last we heard.
It goes without saying that Spider-Man has colossal reach as a property, but Insomniac's video game adaptations are clearly hitting the mark. We'd imagine that Spider-Man 2 will continue selling for years to come, with Sony already calling it a «great success» in its report.
Did you ever see Spider-Man 2 being anything other than a hit? Or did you think it'd be doing even better by now? Miss your swing and slap straight into the side of a building in the comments section below.
Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, he's played 'em all — a little too much, some might say.
This franchise has really reached the end of its life in its current guise. I really enjoyed the first one, but lasted 1hr into MM and can’t bring myself to even start 2. They desperately need to innovate.
It was a good game, but not a great one. It played very similar to the first one, didn't really evolve. I enjoyed the story, but at the same time, some of the turns it took were jarring. Whether it was Game of the Year