Lost Ark has had a problem attracting new players for the last year or so. The problem has mainly been that the experience has been too vertical, meaning that it takes an incredible amount of effort to make it to the end game. Amazon Game Studios has been making a good effort in its catchup systems with pushing certain systems faster with more rewards and cheaper components, but this patch is without doubt the biggest attempt to attract new players.
We’re of course talking about the Jump-Start servers. There will be one in each region and will be completely separated from the rest of the game for upwards of six months. This will put every single player at 1415 and it’ll help them upwards of 1540. But this puts everyone on an even playing field, but players will most likely need to get in on the ground floor or like the rest of the game, they’ll quickly fall behind and be gatekept. It’ll definitely be a faster way to create and push your first roster and experience everything great in the game.
This is an incredibly ambitious patch that hopefully will drive more players to the game. Lost Ark is available right now for free on PC with this update being available September 13.
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