The Grand Mafia, developed and published by Yotta Games, is a real-time online multiplayer title where players take on the role of a Mafia boss named James Adams. He is a convict, framed for the murder of his family (gang), and is on a journey to take back control of the mafia from the underworld.
Their main objective in this game is to essentially manage their gang, resources, and recruit fresh talent and train them at the main base to take on the underworld. It is heavily inspired by other popular mafia titles like Mafia City, Golden City: Mafia Empire, Grand Theft Auto series, and others of the same genre.
Now, to train and manage members of the gang quickly, players will need resources like Gold, Speed-ups, VIP points, etc. These can be used to unlock and upgrade high-level associates in the Investing Center and once ready, they can be taken out to street battles through the Battle Map.
The developers regularly release special codes to aid players in their quest. Let's take a loot at the ones that are currently active and those that have already expired.
In The Grand Mafia, members of the gang are referred to as Enforcers. It is important to expand the team and recruit as many associates as possible to increase the team's size and level up in the game. Fans of Grand Theft Auto would be familiar with the concept as it follows a somewhat similar approach but in a different setting.
Resources are generally expensive in The Grand Mafia and there are plenty of in-app purchases. Hence, redemption codes can be used to unlock several items for free and upgrade the Enforcers quickly.
Several codes were launched recently by the developers, most of which have already expired. Here's a new code that is still active and can be