Choosing to make fun of Victoria or comfort her in Life is Strange during Episode 1 can lead to a major consequence later in the story. There are also some minor ramifications stemming from the decision, so this guide will explain a general overview of what happens, and then a spoiler breakdown for those who don't mind knowing the exact details of the plot.
If players choose to make fun of Victoria in Life is Strange, she will not believe Max if she decides to give Victoria a warning during Episode 4, which leads to a major decision Victoria makes in Episode 5 that can change the ending. She will also continue to be mean to Max throughout the story.
Life is Strange: How Long to Beat?Make Fun of Victoria SpoilersThe biggest consequences of making fun of Victoria in Life is Strange are:
Comforting Victoria will lead to her believing Max if players give her a warning in Episode 4 of Life is Strange. This leads to a major decision Victoria will make that can change the ending. Victoria will also be friendlier to Max throughout the story than she would have been if players made fun of her.
Comfort Victoria Spoilers The biggest consequences of the decision in Life is Strange to comfort Victoria are:
This is one of the most important choices to make in Life is Strange. The spoiler sections above contain the full consequences of the decision. Still, in general, it's actually better to make fun of Victoria in Episode 1 if players care about getting a good ending for all the residents of Arcadia Bay. Alternatively, Max can comfort Victoria and not warn her in Episode 4 to achieve the same result.
The very last choice in the game can alter every decision ever made, however, so players should feel free to shape Max's story in Life is