Kirby and the Forgotten Land tasks Kirby with rescuing Waddle Dees that have been captured from Planet Popstar and put into cages. Over the course of the game, you're going to need to find a ton of hidden Waddle Dees throughout the many levels.
Related: Kirby And The Forgotten Land - Every Wondaria Remains Hidden Waddle Dee
Each level will have between three and four hidden Waddle Dees that can be found. How to do so is different for each Waddle Dee in each level, but we've managed to find all of the ones within Winter Horns, the game's fourth world. Here's how to find them.
In the first section of the level, you'll be able to find a vending machine you can use Mouthful Mode on. Keep moving forward to find two cracked doors you can shoot. Shoot the one on the right to break it and find the hidden Waddle Dee.
The level's second section hides this Waddle Dee. After crossing some platforms, you'll find a locked gate. Go left and shoot the target to unlock the gate and find a small challenge room where you have to shoot a target. Shoot it to get the hidden Waddle Dee.
Shoot this bomb block on the platform that three penguins are stood on to reveal this hidden Waddle Dee. Easy stuff!
The final Waddle Dee can be found in the third section of the level. You'll find yourself climbing a tower using Stair Mouth. Bring the stairs from the final bit of the tower down a platform to break open a cracked wall and find the last Waddle Dee.
You're going to need the Hammer ability for the first Hidden Waddle Dee, but you'll be given it during an enemy arena. After this section, you'll find yourself in an area with four nails sticking out of the ground. Hit them with the Hammer to find the hidden Waddle Dee.
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