The events of the vast majority of the Kingdom Hearts series all seem to revolve around Sora, whether directly or indirectly. However, despite his prowess with a Keyblade, Sora doesn't have any kind of overt aura of heroism or specialness to him. At a glance, he's just a kindhearted, goofy kid, and even if you looked closer, that's still pretty much all he is.
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So what exactly is it, then, that prompts so many major events to orbit around this single more-or-less ordinary young man? Well, it's not so much a matter of what Sora is that makes these things happen around him, but rather where he ends up. Let's see if we can't make this a little clearer. Be aware, we're getting into spoilers for most of the Kingdom Hearts series here.
The events of the original Kingdom Hearts imply that the wielder of the Keyblade is some kind of legendary prophesized hero, and that's how Sora was able to receive its power and go on to save the world. In actuality, Sora's ownership of the Keyblade wasn't due to any kind of prophecy or pre-ordained legend, he just... happened to receive it. The reasons for this can be traced back to the events of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, and Sora and Riku's childhoods. When the two of them were very young, they were visited by a passing Terra, who performed the Keyblade inheritance ritual on Riku when he realized the boy wanted the power to protect his friends. This was how Riku received the potential to use a Keyblade.
Sora, meanwhile, had a brief encounter with Aqua, but when she noticed the spark of potential in Riku, she opted not to give it to Sora, as she didn't want them to be in conflict like she and Terra were. That should've been the