Netflix has released a new trailer for its upcoming animated monster epic The Sea Beast. Chris Williams, known for directing Moana and Big Hero 6, helms this new feature, which has been in the works for several years now. Karl Urban (The Boys) voices Jacob Holland, a legendary monster hunter who must train and protect a young girl named Maisie Brumble (voiced by Zaris-Angel Hator), who has snuck aboard his ship. The Sea Beast also features the vocal talents of Jared Harris, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Dan Stevens, and Kathy Burke.
Netflix has officially released a brand new, full length trailer for The Sea Beast. The trailer shows off several new sea monsters and further establishes the developing bond between Jacob and Maisie. The video also gives proper introductions to some of the characters who were first shown in The Sea Beast's teaser trailer. Check out the new trailer down below.
Click Here To Watch The Full Trailer On YouTube
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Based on this new trailer, it looks like The Sea Beast will retain the spirit of classic adventure tales while offering its own spin on a unique world. Williams has spoken of how he drew inspiration from films like King Kong and Raiders of the Lost Ark. The premise for the new movie allows for some fun creature designs, and the emotional heart of the story looks to be the mentor/mentee relationship between Jacob and Maisie. This new trailer makes it look like The Sea Beastcould be another animated hit for Netflix. The Sea Beastwill be breaching the surface on Netflix on July 8, 2022.
Next: Chris Williams Interview: The Sea Beast
Source: Netflix/YouTube
Tyler Cioffi graduated summa cum laude from SUNY New Paltz with a bachelor's degree in English