Throughout the Jurassic Park franchise, there have been a number of dinosaur-themed resorts and theme parks at various stages of development. Every location paints a picture of what Jurassic Park’s success could’ve looked like if John Hammond had succeeded or its failure if Ian Malcolm turned out to be right again. Regardless, whether a sister location or a successor, Jurassic Park represented more than a singular place, but rather, the greater ambitions of a man who tried to create something wondrous.
In the Jurassic Park movies and novels, John Hammond spearheaded an enterprise to clone extinct animals for the modern era. Using dinosaur DNA found in fossilized amber, Hammond’s research company, InGen, managed to recreate prehistoric life, which they planned to make into the ultimate tourist attraction. However, as one of the biggest and ground-breaking prospects in human history, it proved to be a Sisyphean undertaking as InGen’s staff attempted to understand their animals, technology, and audiences. Although it seemed every time, because of negligence, pride, and ignorance, InGen’s Mesozoic menagerie managed to find a way to create unimaginable chaos.
Related: Jurassic Park Fact Check: Could Dinosaur DNA Really Survive In Amber?
John Hammond had bigger plans and different strategies to display his dinosaurs to the world. Hammond's plans for Jurassic Park naturally changed as his ideas expanded. Outside of Isla Nublar, there were other proposals to expand the original resort, and they all have a unique place surrounding the series’ canon. Regardless, Isla Nublar was neither the beginning nor end of Hammond’s vision for a dinosaur zoo and only added to the tragedy of everything he lost. Here are all the dinosaur parks