JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: The Animation has started its 10th Anniversary celebrations. While some events and collaborations have already begun in the Eastern Japanese city of Kanazawa, the party is just about to get started in the nation’s capital. And what better way to begin celebrations than a takeover of the tallest landmark in the city?
From just after Golden Week at the start of May, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will be coming to Tokyo Sky Tree. Tokyo Sky Tree is a towering radio and TV tower, and at 2,080ft (634m) tall, it’s the tallest tower in the world. The tower has two observation decks, both of which are themed after JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure for a limited time for this event, called JoJo Tree.
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The floors hosting the majority of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure areas are 445 and 450, so fans can enjoy JoJo feeling like they’re standing on top of the world. The fun starts in the elevators, which are decorated with JoJo graphics as they take you flying to the upper floors of Tokyo Sky Tree. And that’s only the beginning.There are also huge character standees to take photos with, including one with the whole Joestar crew and another with neon lighting.
The inner walls of the observation decks also have floor-to-ceiling character art wrapping around the tower. Other areas have exciting artwork above the windows, so fans can enjoy the view — both of the city below, along with the characters. As with most themed events in Japan, there’s also a special café. The JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure restaurant is on floor 340, and every collaboration item ordered comes with a free coaster of a random JoJo character.
The main dishes are character-themed omelet rice and pistachio ice cream cake.