Naruto fans are tired. Centuries ago, by which I mean back in 2018, Bandai Namco kicked Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker out the door to a ravenous fanbase fresh off the highs of Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 who was begging for more. With the highs there must surely be the lows, as Shinobi Striker quickly proved.
With its crap customisation options that only let you imitate popular characters, boring combat that was floaty and left you feeling that you couldn’t really influence anything, and a severe lack of content besides arena battles that went on for far too long, Shinobi Striker tried to ape Dragon Ball XenoVerse in all the wrong ways and ended up as the first real low in the Naruto gaming space since some of the more shitty portable games on 3DS. We were doing so well.
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Just like a certain memed dog sitting in a burning room, Naruto fans all collectively said, “This is fine”, and figured that by the next year we’d be back on greener pastures and looking at something new for the series. Smash cut to four years later and we’re still seeing updates for this game that refuses to die. It’s time to take Shinobi Striker behind the shed.
Earlier today, Bandai Namco confirmed that another season pass for Shinobi Striker is in the works, this time with the theme of Legacy. That means five more characters, most of which will likely be palette swaps of ninjas we already have, and at least another year of service — if the new roadmap is anything to go by.
When Bandai announced the last season pass, which was based on Regeneration, I saw a lot of buzz from the community that this could be the last one we see for the game. It had been going on