Netflix's The Guardians of Justice has picked a surprisingly straightforward winner in the ongoing DC debate over who's faster out of Superman and The Flash. Comic books have thrown up all manner of life-altering philosophical questions over the years, from «Gwen Stacy vs. MJ» to «Is Joker the sanest man in Gotham City?» But few inspire fiery debate quite like a conversation over whether The Flash is faster than Superman. On one hand, speed is Barry Allen's entire gimmick, his raison d'être. Flash is literally connected to the Speed Force. On the other, Superman is DC's ideal — stronger, faster, more patriotic than everybody else, let down by only a crippling aversion to Kyptonite and a shockingly bad talent for disguise.
Wading into that friendship-testing conundrum is Netflix's Guardians of Justice. Blending live-action with animation segments, Guardians of Justice is what would've happened if someone very impressionable on the Amazon creative team binged a lot of YouTube while making The Boys. The action centers around the titular superhero team after their esteemed leader, Marvelous Man, takes his own life on live TV.
Related: Elseworlds Crossover Suggests Flash Is Faster Than Superman
Though The Guardians of Justice has plenty to say about American conservatism, the futility of war, and the murky role of a superhero in society (all while doffing its cap to Dr. Manhattan), the Netflix series delves into properly controversial territory when addressing who's faster out of Superman and The Flash.
To say Guardians of Justice's DC superhero parodies are thinly-veiled would be an insult to thin veils the world over. You've got Knight Hawk, who dresses in black, speaks in a gravelly voice, and attacks foes with