Over the course of gaming history, we have seen countless games use the characters and lore of Bram Stoker’s Dracula – but we’ve never seen that was considered official. Of course, the Castlevania series has used Dracula as its main antagonist in various forms over the past 35 years, and included other parts of the lore like Alucard that were from other incarnations of the character – but the Stoker family has never had any involvement in gaming until now. Dracula: Dark Reign is is set in the official StokerVerse and acts as a prologue from Bram Stoker’s personal notes that have never been featured in a Dracula work yet in any form of media, whether it’s in book, movie, or gaming form.
The game will feature Jonathan Harker’s escape from Castle Dracula in an interactive form, and that will be the first playable incarnation of that ever with the Dark Reign story being part of the StokerVerse from Dacre Stoker (Bram Stoker’s great-grandnephew) and Chris McAuley. In a nod to just how well the genre has treated the Dracula character, Dark Reign will be a Castlevania-style adventure that goes through not only Dracula’s castle, but also has the adventure set against World War I and goes into the lore of the original Bram Stoker novel in a way that hasn’t been done in gaming form yet.
The team at Spacebot Interactive is behind Dark Reign and everything shown of it so far looks fantastic, with rich artwork that goes far beyond anything seen on the 8-bit GBC or the NES’ own Castlevania adventures. The level of detail in the game is very much like the latter-day NES Konami games like Batman: Return of the Joker that really pushed the hardware in new ways, and what’s been briefly been shown of the game in motion in the demo, it has
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