is the franchise's first foray into the exciting world of anime fighters, and based on a demo at Anime Expo 2024, fans eagerly awaiting the game will be pleased with the end result. Yoshihiro Togashi's is famous for its incredibly strategic battles centered around the concept of Nen. Hailed as one of anime and manga's best power systems ever, Nen will finally be in the hands of players with the upcoming release of.
Developed by Eighting and set to release sometime later in 2024, brings the iconic characters from to the world of fighting games. is a 3v3 fighter where players take control of iconic characters from the franchise in heated battles that aim to replicate the deep strategy and mind games the series is known for.
At Anime Expo 2024, Screen Rant sat down with publisher Bushiroad for a demo of the game. Though it remains to be seen what state the game will be in at launch, the short preview provided was more than enough to prove that has the bones of a solid fighter.
Mechanically, plays similarly to popular 3v3 fighting games like the franchise. Players choose a team of three characters, with one active character and the other two ready to either be called in for an assist or a switch out. The demo featured 8 playable characters, focussed mostly on either hunters or members of the Phantom Troupe. In addition to the four main characters of Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika, the demo also gave players access to Chairman Netero, Hisoka, Uvogin, and Bisky Krueger.
In addition to the characters present at the demo, Phantom Troupe members Machi, Feitan, and Chrollo have also been officially confirmed as playable characters.
Given the confirmed characters and the fact that the game's character select screen suggests a 16-character lineup at launch, it appears as though the game's story will take fans at least through the arc. Though the game's final roster remains to be seen, if there are only 16 characters at launch, that may be the biggest point against the