The sporadically updated and extremely lengthy Hunter x Hunter manga and anime series focuses on the stories of Hunters, an umbrella term for adventurers who seek treasures, hunt dangerous creatures and criminals, and many other similar duties. Hunters are given a lot of freedom, and the Hunter License that proves their status as a Hunter grants them access to a large variety of benefits and facilities. While these benefits are meant to aid Hunters in their quests, there are many who attempt to take the exam purely for the advantages the Hunter License provides.
Because of this, it's important that the people given these licenses are both trustworthy and skilled, and so the Hunter Association created the Hunter Exam, a test that must be taken in order to become a professional Hunter is extremely difficult. Tens of thousands of examinees enter hoping to pass every year, and nearly all of them fail each time. While the Hunter Exam is rigorous, it also ensures that only the strongest and most resourceful applicants are the ones who become Hunters.
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The Hunter Exam's rigorous challenges begin before that exam even actually begins. Every year, the location for where the Hunter Exam takes place changes every year. The location is always a mystery, and hopeful examinees must find the location of the exam on their own. However, they are not completely without clues; by finding certain people called navigators, they can be guided to the exam location without too much trouble. Navigators are basically required in order to find the exam location, though finding navigators themselves is quite the task.
That's not all, however. In order to trim down the