The newest entry in the Fire Emblem franchise is finally here in the form of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Though it may not be the exact format that the fans of the franchise were hoping for, this indirect follow-up to the beloved Three Houses game has a lot of potential and has already claimed the hearts of many fans.
One of the biggest contributing factors to its praise is the fresh take it brings to the standard gameplay format of the Fire Emblem franchise. Rather than opting for a turn-based strategy game, Three Hopes goes for a more action-oriented, immersive, and real-time strategy type of gameplay that the Warriors franchise is known for.
However, players do not stand a chance of winning their war without the help of their allies. While each of the three potential nations the player can side with have their own allies, which players get an access to automatically, there are a few extra teammates that they will need to recruit in the game. But how can players find these potential allies?
There are only a few certain characters in the game that players can recruit in their playthrough. Of course, many players want to recruit Byleth, the main character from Three Houses, into their roster. But what they may not know is how they can begin to do so. Luckily, it may not be as complicated as it sounds.
The first thing players will want to keep in mind is that recruiting enemy characters is done through the 'recruit' option in the strategy menu. This requires strategy points that players may be tempted to spend on other things. However, having all of the allies they can get is the most important in the field of battle.
Many players who are familiar with the story of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes and those who have